Our Program

Learn to Be Safe with Emmy & Friends is a protective behaviours program that helps keep kids safe.

What is Learn to be Safe with Emmy & Friends?

Learn to Be Safe with Emmy & Friends is an evidence-based program for children aged 0-10 years. The program uses age-appropriate activities, resources, lesson plans, scripts and videos to teach children and their adults about personal safety.

The program has two key themes:

Learn to Be Safe with Emmy & Friends can be delivered in early learning centres and schools by one of our qualified Emmy facilitators, or by trained educators.

Did you know? You can download our Learn to Be Safe with Emmy & Friends resources for free.

What is a Protective Behaviours program?

Protective behaviours programs build knowledge and skills about personal safety. Programs help children and adults identify unsafe situations and take action to increase safety. Protective behaviours programs are a key prevention strategy in addressing the problem of child abuse. 

Learn to Be Safe with Emmy & Friends uses four focus areas to teach personal safety:

Who is it for?

Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility. Our program is suitable for children aged 0-10 years as well as all adults involved in their care. The program is designed for early learning centres and schools so that children know they are allowed to ask for help, and adults know how to listen and act protectively to keep kids safe.






What makes our program so great?

Talking with children about personal safety can be difficult. Our program builds parents’ and educators’ confidence to talk with children about safety. The activities teach children how to seek help if they feel unsafe.

Alignment with the Australian Curriculum

Our program was developed to ensure program activities align with the Australian Curriculum learning areas and general capabilities. The program observes the developmental sequence of learning and essential content outlined in relevant areas of the Australian Curriculum. 

The program supports students’ development of safe, respectful relationships.

Activities discuss children’s and adults’ rights and responsibilities.

All year grades discuss private body parts and privacy in age-appropriate ways.

The program supports ACARA Personal and Social Capability learning continuum outcomes: 

Recognise emotions

Express emotions appropriately

Become confident, resilient and adaptable

Understand relationships

The Learn to Be Safe protective behaviour education program promotes a whole-school approach to consent-based personal safety education.