Protective Behaviours

Knowledge and skills to help keep children safe.

What are Protective Behaviours?

‘Protective behaviours’ are the knowledge and skills that help people recognise, react to and report unsafe or risky situations.

Protective behaviours programs help us talk about safety and build personal safety skills. They are a key prevention strategy in addressing the problem of child abuse. 


What is the Act for Kids Protective Behaviours Education Framework?

Act for Kids developed a simple yet comprehensive way to teach children and adults ways to help keep children safe. We developed a framework using the evidence of protective behaviours and our own research.

The Act for Kids Protective Behaviours Education Framework has two key themes:

  • We all have the right to feel safe and be safe all the time
  • We can tell a safe adult anything, no matter what.

The framework supports these two key themes using four focus areas known to increase children’s safety:

The visual aspects were great. We have referred back to the posters regularly after our sessions. The students enjoyed the worksheets and have been using the language regularly.

Brisbane Teacher